
there are too many of us, and we are all too far apart

from 25 COVID Questions
1. Day 1 of serious isolation behavior:
  I don't recall the exact date, but I started working from home (along with all my department colleagues) about 10 months ago. We came back in June or so? And I returned maybe 3 weeks later and have been home since. 

2. First trip you had to cancel:  I have not cancelled any trips

 5. Farthest from home since isolation:  7.5 hours-ish by car, for a week-ish

6. Last meal sitting in a restaurant before isolation:  it was not memorable? My last meal sitting in a restaurant since isolation began is much more fascinating.

 7. How many books have you read?  almost 100

8. First event you didn’t attend due to virus:  the local festival (which was totally cancelled)

9. Date and event of last over 200-person event:  a work event in April 2019, probably?

11. Things you are eating more of since isolation:  ice cream and protein bars (not together)

12. Things you are eating less of since isolation:  coffee and donuts (none of either)

13. What restaurants have you gotten take-out meals from?  um, none? Except for the delivered meal from my boss, which makes my eyes roll painfully. It was a chicken Caesar salad from a bar that makes really greasy food, which is delicious when it's hot but revolting when it's even slightly cool.

14. Have you found yourself bored in isolation?  very, very rarely

15. Have you gained or lost weight?  yup (both)

16. Do you drink alcohol?  yes

17. If so, more or less in isolation?  no
18. What entertainments have you explored?  nothing too out of the ordinary. More jigsaw puzzles than usual, I guess. A lot more writing.

 19. Gotten into anything new?  more out than in

21. Have you cleaned out some cabinet, drawer, closet, etc. thoroughly?  weeded out a lot of clothes that don't fit or were no longer in the rotation. Pulled probably a hundred books off the shelves, and a couple dozen movies. I'm slowly replacing my plastic kitchen storage with glass, so that plastic is all going out. 

22. Are you spending about the same amount of money?  less

23. Done Zoom, Facetime, etc. meet-ups?  only for work and interviews

24. Had a social occasion with a small group of people you consider safe?  I'm "dating" - does that count?

25. Did you vote? In Person? On Election Day?  I only vote by absentee ballot

 [from here; the title quotation is by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., from Welcome to the Monkey House]

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