not in months, no, not in ciphers,
never touching ground:
in weightless, fragile worlds
we have lived together.
Time was beaten out,
but hardly by minutes:
one minute was a hundred years,
one life, one love.
Roofs sheltered us,
less than roofs, clouds;
less than clouds, heavens;
even less, air, nothing.
Crossing oceans
formed out of twenty years,
ten years yours and ten mine,
we arrived at the golden
beads of a necklace,
clear islands, deserted,
without flowers, without bodies;
a harbor, so tiny,
made of glass, for a love
that in itself was enough
for the largest longing,
and we asked neither ships
nor time for help.
enormous tunnels
in grains of sand,
we discovered the mines
of flames and of chance.
And everything
hanging from that thread
that held up ... what?
That's why our life
doesn't appear to be lived:
slippery, evasive,
it left behind neither wakes
nor footprints. If you want
to remember it, don't look
where you always look for traces
and recollections.
Don't look at your soul,
your shadow or your lips.
Look carefully into the palm
of your hand, it's empty.
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