
I have been wily and evasive even on behalf of art

Talking to myself like this, in a blazon and an emblem, 
I realize I have never said plainly most of what I truly believe, 
I have shied away from difficulty and misstated my deepest fears, 
I have not born full witness to the suffering in the streets of the cities I love,
I have not walked a picket line against the tyranny of greed,
I have been wily and evasive even on behalf of art,
I have not praised the movies in tones equal to the rapture
I have known there,
I cannot remember King Lear,
I did not finish Ulysses or even start on Proust,
even now I seek diversion in the candy necklace of delight,
even now I refuse to commit,
even now I would walk among jaguars
wearing the skin of a jaguar
as if it were not necessary to declare my allegiance,
as if I did not have to choose.
Which will it be, sugar or blood?

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