
some- Times what I love just Doesn't show up at all

It comes from the earth. 
It is green with deceit. 
Sometimes what I love 
Shows up at three 
In the morning and 
Rushes in to turn me 
Upside down. Some- 
Times what I love just 
Doesn't show up at all. 
It can hurt me if it 
Means to…because 
That's what in love 
Means. What I love 
Understands itself 
As properly scarce. 
It knows I can't need 
What I don't go without. 
Some nights I hold 
My breath. I turn as in 
Go bad. When I die 
A man or a woman will 
Clean up the mess 
A body makes. They'll 
Talk about gas prices 
And the current drought 
As they prepare the blue- 
Black cadaver that still, 
As the dead do, groans: 
I wanted what anyone 
With an ear wants— 
To be touched and 
Touched by a presence 
That has no hands. 

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