
I'm too cold to ask you why we're here but of course "we are"

Blue poles (well?) on the beach 
in a snowless winter and 
I'm too cold to ask you 
why we're here but of course
"we are" 
where on the puzzled reef dwarves either 
fish or drown in the abandoned ships 
sharks dissever year-old children in search 
"young blood'
' Jersey acting like Europe 
in an instant and lovely Mary kneeling along the quick tide 
to be anxious with thoughts of bare oceans 
that move as the thighs of an eventual sunlight 
like bathers moving closer to their season 
when again gulls perch in their lovely confusion 
as now, the sand sifting through 
your fingers like another's darkness. it's true, 
you are always too near and I am everything 
that comes moaning free and wet 
through the lips of our lovely grind 

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