
oh, to rest still in your love

When I go–I don’t wish to go like that, 
I want to remain in your memories. 
I came to you in a new way, 
With new love, 
With new currency; 
A new storm of feelings I raised, 
New stars of beauty I lit, 
I warmed your high hall 
By the hot breath of my soul 
And snapped your stiffness 
With a rustling flood of joy. 
When I go, I don’t wish to go like that, 
I want to remain in your memories. 
Oh, to rest still in your love, 
Like the glowing purple hues of the sun, 
Long after it has set, 
May life be tossed about after me 
As the sea, after the storm has passed. 
When I go—I don’t wish to pass away thus: 
I want to pour my essence into others still, 
My terrors for weaker souls to swallow. 
I want to bind my time to the stars, 
My sun to rip like a sheet over all 
To cast rainbows behind as I pass, 
When my flesh lies deep beneath the mound, 
Through the earth may my pulse still sound. 
[Aspazija {1865-1943} 'After Me', trans. from the Latvian by "Bourbaki's Axiom"]

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