
I will call you back unless you wait by the phone for me to call you back

Who calls here, 
hankering, gross, mystical, nude? 
Did you expect to find me at home? 
Then you do not know me. 
I am never at home. 
I am always on the road. 
All roads lead to the telephone; 
wherever you go, on or off 
the road, a telephone wire 
sings beside you. 
I knew you would call. 
Everyone does, 
in his or her own way. 
All the wrong numbers you dial 
are meant for me, 
are the attempts of your better self 
to make the call 
you are afraid to make. 
If you would have me know who you are, 
leave no name or number, 
simply give to this line 
the mist of your breath 
and I will recognize you. 
I will call you back 
unless you wait by the phone 
for me to call you back. 
Be confident, but be warned: 
my voice could be disguised 
as anything, anything. 
If you love me, 
if you truly wish to get through to me, 
you will hang up 
at the sound of the tone 
and dial your own number. 
If the line is busy 
or no one answers, 
consider yourself lucky, 
you can always call again. 
If the line is out of order, 
remember, you are the only repairman. 
If the line has been disconnected, 
remember, the only phone company 
is yourself.

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