
ineffectual left-leaning emotional black-hole of a self-semaphore

Never before have I so resembled British Petroleum. 
They—it?—are concerned about the environment. 
I—it?—am concerned about the environment. 
They—him?—convey their concern through commercials, 
in which a man talks softly about the importance 
of the Earth. I—doodad?—convey my concern 
through poems, in which my fingers type softly 
about the importance of the Earth. They—oligarchs?— 
have painted their slogans green. I—ineffectual 
left-leaning emotional black-hole of a self-semaphore?— 
recycle. Isn't a corporation technically a person 
and responsible? Aren't I technically a person 
and responsible? In a legal sense, in a regal sense, 
if romanticism holds sway? To give you a feel 
for how soft his voice is, imagine a kitty 
that eats only felt wearing a sable coat on a bed 
of dandelion fluff under sheets of the foreskins 
of seraphim, that's how soothingly they want to drill 
in Alaska, in your head, just in case. And let's be honest, 
we mostly want them to, we mostly want to get to the bank 
by two so we can get out of town by three and beat 
the traffic, traffic is murder, this time of year. 
How far would you walk for bread? For the flour 
to make bread? A yard, a mile, a year, a life? 
Now you ask me, when are you going to fix your bike 
and ride it to work? Past the plain horses

and spotted cows and the spotted horses and plain cows, 
along the river, to the left of the fallen-down barn 
and the right of the falling-down barn, up the hill, 
through the Pentecostal bend and past the Methodist 
edifice, through the speed trap, beside the art gallery 
and cigar shop, past the tattoo parlor and the bar 
and the other bar and the other other bar and the other 
other other bar and the bar that closed, where I swear, 
Al-Anon meets, since I'm wondering, what is the value 
of the wick or wire of soul, be it emotional 
or notional, now that oceans are wheezing to a stop? 

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