
Switzerland is my favorite place now, because it's so - nothing. There is absolutely nothing to do

1. Are you a young heart or an old soul? 
    I've always been older than my age
3. What Christmas present do you remember the most? 
    a pair of Guess jeans, in my junior or senior year in high school. Still the most flattering pants I've ever had, and a huge gift, especially at the time.
5. Name one physical feature that you like about yourself and one that you dislike. 
    like: the color of my eyes
    dislike: my arms
7. What’s more important in a relationship: physical attraction or emotional connection? 
    depends on the relationship, of course
9. Where was your favorite place to go when you were a little kid? 
    a park, located about 20 minutes from where I grew up. It has picnic shelters, playground equipment, a stream, woods, a "cliff" to climb, and—prehaps best of all—an old pump well, where we would clean off after playing in the stream and inevitably pinch at least one finger into blood blister. Numerous of my family members' graduation parties were held there, both sides of my family had annual picnics there, and guests of my own wedding came there the day after the ceremony for a low-key get-together. I see the place pretty much every weekend and still drive through now and then, just 'cause.
11. Do you enjoy being only with 1-2 friends or with a large group of people? 
    the former
13. If your partner wanted to wait until marriage until having sex, would you stay in that relationship?
    gif response at right
15. Out of all the social networks in the world why use a blog? 
    social networks are about being social; blogging (for me, anyway) is about communicating. Sometimes specifically, sometimes obliquely, sometimes blatantly, sometimes generally; to one person, to all my friends, to anyone who's reading; openly or quietly. There's a difference.
17. What is normal? Are you normal?
19. What is one thing you could never forgive? 
    cruelty to an animal, a child, or anyone else who cannot protect themselves
21. Who is your favorite super hero? 
    Jean-Luc Picard. or Léon. or some of my friends who have saved me more than they realize.
23. Do you know what makes you happy? 
    I know that happy is not something that others make me. Happy is not the "goal" or "success" that I used to think it would be.
25. Where is your favorite place to go out and eat? 
    it's hard to beat JJs
27. Give me an unpopular opinion you have. 
    "my conscience, morality and ethics are [solely] my own business."
29. What song best describes your life right now? 
    "you take it on faith, you take it to the heart..."

31. Describe your neighborhood. 
    elderly, quiet, semi-rural, conservative, populated by an excess of wind chimes and small, yapping dogs

[from here and modified; the title quotation is by Andy Warhol]

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