
I suppose I'll have to add the force of gravity to my list of enemies

15 things that make you smile
  • kitten videos
  • homemade bread & butter
  • maze
    monk mazes (i.e. labyrinths)
  • Aaron Belz' poetry
  • the sound of ducks walking
  • hummingbirds
  • oatmeal scotchies
  • movies that make me cry
  • money
  • a silly man
  • my foxtail fern that was named after Alan Davies
  • #thehashtaggame
  • glass fish
  • puns and adventure with my college BFF
  • holding hands
14 things that make you frown
  • waking up early
  • going to bed early
  • eating leftovers after the second portion
  • bluegrass
    bluegrass music
  • bad drivers
  • a book with an unbelievable or trite ending
  • tech "updates" that make things worse
  • a rock in my shoe
  • bright sun when I don't have my sunglasses
  • carrot cake
  • running out of shampoo
  • jumping through hoops
  • missing out on doing something fun
  • my own poor handwriting
13 things you see every day
  • rabbits
  • reminders of things I should be doing but am not
  • my across-the-street neighbors' open garages
  • plant (outdoor)
  • books
  • something that reminds me of D
  • squirrels
  • plants (indoor)
  • dust
  • cereal
  • birds
  • art
  • shoes
12 things you have always wanted to try
  • bathing in money
    real financial security
  • saganaki
  • reading Portuguese
  • hot stone massage
  • NaNoWriMo
  • European travel
  • growing an orchid
  • bacon-wrapped pork chops
  • being an artist
  • laughing gas
  • commitment to a completely healthy lifestyle
  • hypnosis
11 objects that mean a lot to you
  • Randy
  • a postcard that Chris sent from Colorado
  • the art on my walls (and people who gave it)
  • journal
  • Christmas trees that Dad and I have made
  • the fish ball
  • law license
  • (ex-) wedding ring
  • first copy of The Brothers K
  • orange peeler
  • camera
10 places you have been
  • Miami
  • Kansas City
  • Bethesda/DC
  • Orlando
  • Manhattan (KS)
  • the bay city
  • Atlanta
  • St. Louis
  • Tupelo
  • Santa Fe
9 of your favorite foods
  • breakfast
    bacon/scrambled eggs/toast
  • thin crust pizza with Canadian bacon, fresh tomato, and green olives
  • wild boar ravioli with vodka sauce
  • slow-cooked beef sandwiches
  • homemade bread + butter
  • oatmeal with apples and cinnamon
  • roast beast, mashed potatoes and gravy
  • burgers (grilled, special)
8 things you would rather be doing
  • zzzzzzz
  • talking on the phone
  • reading
  • working a jigsaw puzzle
  • napping
  • getting a back-rub
  • playing with a cat
  • resting
7 things you would take to a deserted island
  • sunscreen
  • lip balm
  • a hat
  • a comfortable chair
  • a cooler full of food
  • a friend
  • Kindle
6 things you wish you never had to do
  • oil change
    get an oil change
  • go to the dentist
  • work
  • read the news
  • pay bills
  • sweep
5 people who mean the world to you
  • Mom & Dad (they're a unit)
  • Becky
  • D
  • college BFF
  • big brother
4 of your biggest fears
  • ughhhhh
  • moths
  • dying alone
  • heights
3 words to describe how you feel right now
  • sleepy
  • cold
  • eager
2 things you're excited for
  • Thursday
  • the next volume in Sherry Thomas' Lady Sherlock series
1 thing you want to say to someone
  • thank you for thinking of me
[from here; the title quotation is by Lemony Snicket, from The Penultimate Peril]

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