
'If', as much as it scared me, also kept me sane

1. If you were to be granted one wish, what would it be?     more time
2. If you could spend one night alone with anyone in the world who is currently alive, whom would you select?     D, of course
3. If you could spend one night alone with anyone in history, whom would you choose?     Chris
4. If you could physically transport yourself to any place in the world at this moment, where would you go?     an MLB game
5. If you could have lived through any war in history (without actually fighting in it), which would it be?     the Second World War, naturally!
6. If you could eliminate one type of insect permanently from the earth, what would you get rid of?     beetles     {{{shudder}}}
7. If you had to eliminate any single type of animal forever, which would you choose?      there is no way to answer this question without getting me in terrible trouble
8. If you could have an elegant dinner alone with anyone presently alive, whether you know them or not, who would you want it to be?     the author David James Duncan
9. If you could alter one physical characteristic of your mate, what would it be?     uhm ... I would get him the answer to good sleep
10. If you could change one thing about your childhood, what would it be?     I would be more brave, try new things, and leap a little more 
11. If you could have any room in the world become your bedroom, which room would you choose?     I would like to have a bedroom that's in the back of my space, with nothing within line of sight except trees or a lake or river. A big, square room (with a separate closet and bathroom), with a big bed (with blue and green covers), and a place to sit and read in the sun.
12. If you could alter one thing about your physical appearance, what would it be?     nah, I'll keep it as it is. No magic. 
13. If you could have stopped aging at any point in your life up to the present, how old would you wish to remain?     I wouldn't stop while the people I love continue to get older - not even to be 23 again
14. If you could suddenly possess an extraordinary talent in one of the arts, what would you like it to be?     writing
15. If you could have permanent possession of any single object in the world, what would you want it to be?     an account containing adequate retirement funds
[from here; the title quotation is by Ransom Riggs, from Hollow City]

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