
live the full life of the mind, exhilarated by new ideas, intoxicated by the Romance of the unusual

cold...what again?
1. When showering, do you start the water and then get in, or get in then start the
    I prefer to start it first and then get in, but my current showering option is a walk-in shower, so if the door is open there's water in my bathroom. Thus, get in, wait for it to warm up, then shower.
2. Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex? 
    is this TMI? Well, consider yourself warned. 
    Yes, I have indeed. 
3. Were you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings? 
    oh GOD, NO. Ick. Eeew.
4. Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot? 
    of course
looking young
5. How old do people say you look? 
    to my face? The last time I had that conversation was with my (then new) massage therapist, when she told me she thought I was not much older than her. And I'm almost exactly twice as old as she is. So, that was a compliment (especially considering her view of my not-youthful bits).
6. How old do you act? 
    pretty sure there's no specific age that I act. Just living my life.
singing in the car
7. What’s the last song you sang? 
    Buried, by Alkaline Trio, on the way here
8. Have you recently become a member of anything? 
9. What are your plans for next weekend? 
well, walking fast anyway
    next weekend will be kind of different from the same-old, because I'm doing a 5k on the 30th. Trying to inveigle a former coworker to go with me. It's clearly a small town sort of event, because after the healthy run/walk, all participants are invited for a free pork meal at the gas station/convenience store.
10. Do you kiss with your eyes open or closed? 
12. Who’s the sexiest famous woman alive? 
    I don't think I'm a good judge
13. Who’s the sexiest famous man alive?    
    my concept of 'sexy' is rather fixed on an infamous man
14. Does your family have a crazy uncle? 
    absolutely. Doesn't everybody's??
15. Have you ever smuggled something into another country? 
sad, sad sports
16. Do you live in a city with a good sports team? 
    I don't even live in a state with a good sports team
17. What is the most unusual? 
    ...? Rather more open-ended than most meme questions!
18. How do feel about the Goth people? 
    they're just people, granted people with a much higher eye makeup budget than I have
19. Can you or your significant other fix your own car? 
    we can make sure that fixing happens, which is prehaps more pertinent to the two of us
[from here; the title quotation is by Ernest Hemingway, from "Banal Stories"]

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