
sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together

1. Last kiss: not sure when, mostly because it was with the wrong person
2. Last phone call: Thursday afternoon
3. Last text message: "Oh ouch!!!!"
4. Last song you listened to: "Never Forget You" by Lupe Fiasco, featuring John Legend

5. Last time you cried: the 18th
                HAVE YOU EVER...?
6. Dated someone twice: yes, notoriously. And those two instances were separated by about 30 years.
7. Been cheated on: yup
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Jesus, Hell yes
9. Lost someone special: I did, yes. Several of them, but the most notable (especially on the blog) was Chris, who died on November 14, 2015.
10. Been depressed: yes
11. Been drunk and threw up: uhmmmmm, yeah. It's been years though--I haven't been drinking much lately, and haven't thrown up since before my marriage ended.
                THIS YEAR HAVE YOU...?
15. Made a new friend: yes!! She's a new old friend. We went to grade school together and recently reconnected. It's awesome!
17. Laughed until you cried: it happens regularly when I'm FB messaging with the college BFF. She is hilarious.
physical therapy
18. Met someone who changed you: yes, my physical therapist Sean. He is kind, funny, motivating, and really smart. He helped make my headaches better.
19. Found out who your true friends were: what does that mean, "true friend"? I don't think it works that way. Some friends are casual, some are meaningful, some are meant to be lifelong, some are meant to be there at a single time, for a single "purpose." I've had friends for years that were not very good to me. And I've had friends I've only known for a little while who made a dramatic impression. So, yeah. I have found out who my true friends are. Because they are my friends.
20. Found out someone was talking about you: uh, yeah. My former boss was clearly talking about me before our last conversation.
                THIS AND THAT
26. What did you do for your last Birthday: I have no idea. It was a long time ago.
27. What time did you wake up today: which time? There was a big storm last night and I was waiting for the big guy to come home. I was up and out of bed around 3:15, 5:30, 7:00... and then slept on the couch for a while. I was up for good at maybe 8:30.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: Wednesday. Going on an adventure!
30. Last time you saw your all of your siblings at the same time: my brother's wedding in 2012
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: money
32. What are you listening to right now: Criminal Minds, season 14 episode 8
        "It can't ever be perfect, can it?"
        "No. That's why good enough is ... good enough."
34. Who’s getting on your nerves right now: the ones who control the purse-strings. I truly don't know why the system is so fucked up, but it is REALLY fucked up.
35. Most visited webpage: a tie between eBay and Blogger
36. Favourite colour: gray, and I'm through apologizing for it
37. Nicknames: ha! Not gonna happen.
38. Relationship status: "yellow alert"
39. Zodiac sign: Virgo
40. Male or female: F
41. Primary school: a local one, furthest east in town
42. Secondary school: I'm old enough to have attended the one in the middle of town
43. High school/college: the local public, in both scenarios
44. Eye color: bluish
46. Height: not excessive
47. Do you have a crush on someone? yup
48. What do you like about yourself? I have cute ears
49. Piercings: 4 or so
50. Tattoos: 10, but one is fading fast
51. Righty or lefty: very righty
53. First piercing: both earlobes (boring!)
54. First best friend: 'Nif
55. First hookup: I haven't thought about it using that term. I guess it was the cellist.
56. First significant other: Brian the Army Guy
                RIGHT NOW
59. Eating: Dot's Pretzels
60. Drinking: water
61. I’m about to: draft correspondence
62. Listening to: lawncare (as is my destiny)
63. Waiting for: 3:30
                YOUR FUTURE
64. Want kids? that's not gonna happen
65. Get married? that's probably not gonna happen
66. Career: feh
                WHICH IS BETTER...?
67. Lips or eyes: eyes
68. Hugs or kisses: I refuse to choose
69. Shorter or taller: ...than..? 
    most of the people who are really close to me are not overly tall
70. Older or younger: older
71. Romantic or spontaneous: are those opposites? 'Romantic' is not on the menu, in any case.
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: I'm a "whole package" kind of person.
73. Sensitive or loud: I think I've gotten both
74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship, please
                HAVE YOU EVER...?
76. Kissed a stranger: yes
77. Drank hard liquor: yup 
78. Lost glasses/contacts: yes, and the memory makes me laugh and blush, both
79. Had sex: once or twice
80. Broken someone’s heart: not for a long time
82. Been arrested: no
83. Turned someone down: believe it or not, I have indeed
84. Cried when someone died: yes
85. Fallen for a friend: a long, long time ago
            DO YOU BELIEVE IN...?
86. Yourself: sure
87. Miracles: not exactly
88. Love at first sight: I do now
89. Heaven: not in the Pearly Gates form—but yes, I do
90. Santa Claus: uh no
91. Kissing on the first date: absolutely (no perfect kisses, no second date!)
92. Angels: no, but I do believe in hummingbirds
hummingbird (hi Chris!)

                ODDS AND ENDS
93. Do you like the way you look? there's some room for improvement, but generally—yes
94. How would you label yourself? "hand-wash cool / air dry"
95. Someone you pray every day for: D
96. Did you sing today? yes, in the car on the way here. It was an 80s blast hour.
97. Who, from all your exes, have you cared about the most? Pete
98. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? 2014
99. Out of everything in the world, what do you wish for? more wishes
100. Are you afraid of falling in love? not anymore
[from here—and no, I don't know where the missing numbers are; the title quotation is from Marilyn Monroe]

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