
you're going to pay a price for every bloody thing you do and everything you don't do

1. How long have you lived in your current residence?    9 months
2. What changes have you made to it since you got there?     a couple of curtains, a rug that looks like a Muppet pelt, and some pictures on the walls 
3. What surprised you about living in your place or in your neighborhood?     it is smaller than my last home was, but it feels more spacious. The layout is better (for me), the neighborhood is quiet but populated, so it feels safe (and friendly) while also being peaceful and supporting my solitude.
4. If someone were considering moving in next door, what would you warn them about?    two things: ordering any deliveries or giving directions can be a massive hassle, so be aware and ready for confusion; and pulling out onto the highway is increasingly complicated because of the construction at the other end of town. It's a beautiful spot, a great place to live, but not without its own issues.
5. If you have to move in the next 45 days, what are you definitely not taking with you? 
    • dining room set 
    • TV stand from the living room
    • solid maple file cabinet
    • bedroom shelving unit (downstairs)
    • couch
    • tools
    • lawn furniture 
6. What are you currently reading?     The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald); Gravedigger (Rob Magnuson Smith); High Country (Nevada Barr); and Bite Harder (Anonymous) 
7. What did you recently finish reading?    A New Path to the Waterfall by Raymond Carver, and Delicacy by David Foenkinos.
    And I just stopped reading a book by Jordan B. Peterson. I started it because I wanted to challenge some beliefs, but ended up just annoyed and frustrated by the esoteria.
8. What do you think you’ll read next?     the next in the Anna Pigeon series, Hard Truth
9. When did you take the road less traveled?     I have been committed to that road, for several years
10. Did you ever participate in a talent show?     yes
11. When did you most recently strike out?      there have been some job applications (and interviews) that did not go where I'd hoped...
12. Where do you go to find yourself?     don't need to go anywhere if you're yourself all the time
13. What do you have mixed feelings about?    politics
14. What did you most recently add to your collection of something?     I bought a few books a couple weeks ago...
15. When did something most recently stir you to tears?     tonight.
[from here; the title quotation is by Peterson]

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