
I don't know if I forget  my dreams or life more

To pick up where Tomaž left off. 
To pick off another oniony layer 
down to the eye. To chomp. 
To walk around all day buttoned wrong. 
Light is coming from rocks, the little froggie 
jumps even though he hasn't been wound up. 
Here's where the wolves before us drank. 
Too long, we have cock-blocked 
day from mating with night. 
The world is bluer than I thought. 
To be stopped at security 
for sobbing. 
For something wrapped in foil. 
For the soul finding its face. 
For liquid. 
I don't know if I forget 
my dreams or life more. 
To smudge out the features. 
To endure blasted. 
To drown in a raindrop. 
To nestle in a dark place 
inside the floodlight. 
To contain multitudes. 
To calm the hurt animal. 
To be inside another. 
To have been there all along. 

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