
if you cling too tightly, you're gonna lose control

21 Name five things you find attractive in others. 
    • reliability 
    • kindness
    • creativity
    • humor
    • compassion
23 Do you want to get married? If so, talk about your dream wedding.     I don't dream of getting married
24 Are you jealous?     nah. It changes nothing and feels lousy.
26 Are you good at making final decisions or do you easily change your mind?     when the situation requires it, I can (and often do) make a final decision immediately. It can be frustrating for people to shop with me for big stuff, like a couch or a car, because my decision-making process is wholly internal and can seem inexplicable.
28 Talk about your first love.     his name was Andrew, we were dear friends, and we never quite got in sync with liking each other at the same time
30 Share a secret!      I have a worn-down spot on my right thumbnail, which I have realized that I rub with my index finger when I'm fidgeting
32 What’s your favourite horror film?     I watched The Omen for the first time this year. Thought it was very scary but not nightmare fuel. I guess that could count as "favorite"?
33 Are you a possessive person?     less and less over time. Nothing that I love can really be "held" in that way, and the things that I own are just things. Having fewer things gives a great feeling. I've sold 282 items on eBay since this all started, for an approximate value of $3560. Today I'm going to (try to) launch a storefront on eBay, which should make this easier and more reasonably priced.
    Being possessive in relationship terms is a hard lesson to learn. I kind of feel like .38 Special's "Hold on Loosely" was written just for me. When I start getting clingy, those lyrics calm me down.
34 Who’s your idol?     pedestals can be a bitch
35 What’s one thing you can’t seem to get over?     being known, and being loved not just because of but in spite of who I am
36 List your ten favourite songs.     that would be like listing my 10 favorite bones in my body, or 10 favorite plants, or 10 favorite (God forbid) movies—it's impossible!
37 List five things you can’t live without. 
    • caffeine
    • something to read
    • my best friends
    • roast beast 
    • hand lotion
38 What would you name your children?     Alpha and Omega
39 Talk about a dream you recently had.     LOTS of dreams about buying shoes, or trying to buy shoes, recently. Wandering through malls (and other structures), trying them on, looking for something slightly different, racing against time, running out of money, pushy salespeople... I don't know what that means in the dream-interpretation world, but I do know that it's been quite some time since I've purchased footwear.
[from here; the title quotation is from #33, above]

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