
adventures are all very well in their place, but there's a lot to be said for regular meals and freedom from pain

Are you competitive?     no, not like I used to be. I used to get all fired up and vicious while playing games. Now I am more likely to appreciate the experience rather than the result.
What’s your favorite Disney character?     I don't care at all about Disney characters.
Have you ever gone to a festival?     yup, once. It was hot, loud, and not nearly as fun as I would have liked under the circumstances. I think they're fine for other people - but not for me.
Can you enjoy yourself in extreme weather?     yeah, though it's admittedly harder than it would be otherwise. When it's too cold (as it has been for the last week or so), having cold feet and a cold nose, even indoors, makes life a little less enjoyable. When it's too hot (as it is for a couple of weeks every summer) it can make for restless sleep! I generally enjoy my time at more moderate temperatures better. 
Do you like museums?     LOVE them. Haven't been to a new one in a surprisingly long time. Maybe next summer I'll get out for more culture.
Do you have a daily routine?     yup. Up between 7:30 and 8. Breakfast (always the same), check email & social media. Read for an hour or so. Then work. For the last few months, "work" has been a combination of searching and applying for jobs, eBay listing, and launching the eBay store. Within the last month, I added applying for and sorting out the details for school. In a week, I will be off the job search train and into classes!
    Back to the routine. Lunch is basically the same every day. Afternoons pass much as the morning had. Supper is when I cook more "elaborate" meals, some being quite elaborate and others being the absolute minimum to get by. Evenings are generally a combination of reading, blogging, and watching TV or a movie. Bed around 10:00, though occasionally significantly earlier.
What social media are you on?     FB, IG, LinkedIn
Are you more comfortable indoors or outdoors?     indoors
What kind of news do you keep up with?     I really don't.
Are clowns creepy?     if you have to ask that, then it's patently obvious. Yes.
Have you seen the new movie that just came out?     no, not yet. I had wanted to see the new Puss in Boots feature while it's at the theater, but that's looking unlikely. Sigh
Do you enjoy formal parties?    I have, in the past. Don't have much reason to think about it at this time in my life.
[from here; the title quotation is by Neil Gaiman, from Stardust] 

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