
but alas, my lady, I am but a mass of empty phrases, it would seem

What was your biggest fear as a child?     big dogs
What do you admire most about your parents?     their loyalty, whether to each other or their family of origin or their children and grandchild and great grandchildren. Or to their vocations, their personal interests, or their obligations.
When was the first time you said “I love you” to someone other than family?     is this something that other people remember? It was a long time ago. It might've been Andrew.
Do you believe in true love or love at first sight?     yes
When, if ever, is it okay to break the law?     you know ... when you know. 
    I realize that at times like this I'm not very lawyerly, but it just depends.
How have your values changed from ten years ago?     ten years ago, I was living in The High-Ceiling Condo, insignificantly involved with a guy who was a mess from top to bottom, making a LOT of money at a job I loved but with some people who made it hard, and not thinking at all about the future. Ten years later, I'm living in the home-feeling condo, social life simply troubling, making absolutely no money, and focused rather more than I'd like on the future. Does that answer the question?
If you could change one thing about the way you look, what would it be?     ohmygosh, wearing glasses nonstop for the last couple weeks has made me realize how much I loathe wearing glasses. I would love to be able to see without any help at all, but if needs must, then contacts it is. I will be much more careful of them from here on out!
Do you find praise or criticism to be more motivating?     praise, obviously. Criticism just wears away at me.
What is your biggest regret?     wasting time
What is/was your longest lasting friendship and how did it last so long?     I am still friends with my grade school best friend. We've flowed through each others' lives freely, now and then being very close but always staying in touch. She's had a much more stable life than mine in terms of staying in one place and making a real life for herself. We still have some things in common (some surprising) and a lot of contrasts that keep things interesting. I am also FB friends with her husband, daughter, and brother. It is my most enduring friendship, and shall remain.
Do you have different advice for good relationships?     ha! No. I'm clearly bad at it.
Would you rather spend a week in New York City or Los Angeles?     New York. I've seen Los Angeles and can't really imagine going back.
After a horrible day, would you prefer a nice dinner out or a cozy movie night?     movie night, for sure
What was the worst nightmare of your life?     Chris' death
If you had the power to correct one problem in the world, what would you fix?     the scourge of technology in relationships. 
If you could eat anything you wanted right now, what would you order?     ice cream
[from here; the title quotation is by Isaac Asimov, from Foundation and Empire]

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