
call it what you want to call it, Still blows down the lane

dancing hot dog, because...why not?
Is a hot dog a sandwich?     if you like. Call it what you want to call it, it's the same thing.
What is the best concert you have ever been to?     Depeche Mode
What’s the best show on TV right now?     Leverage : Redemption
What would your perfect day be like?     there's no such thing as perfect. It has lumps in it.
What’s the best thing you've read in the last five years?     the Lady Sherlock series by Sherry Thomas
What’s your biggest pet peeve?     people who drive aggressively or carelessly. Kill yourself if you like, but leave me and the people I love out of it.
What is something people would never guess just by looking at you?     how fierce I can be
What’s your favorite karaoke song?     "Amie" by Pure Prairie League (to hear, not to sing)
What was your first job?     I don't think it had a title. I started working the counter of a grocery store bakery when I was 17.
What would you do tomorrow if you won a million dollars today?     this is going to sound very wrong, but the first thought that popped into my head was "punch my sister in the face." It's more of a theoretical idea than a practical one.
Who’s the most overrated celebrity?     anyone who is famous simply for being famous (or rich)
passion is relative
What do you feel most passionate about?     passion
What does your dream life look like?     a lot like it does now, just with some small changes like discretionary funds and more congenial living arrangements
What’s the worst seat on a plane?     directly adjacent to the lav
What was something you thought was a career setback that actually turned out to be an opportunity?     getting let go from a job, I suppose. It hasn't yet turned into the 'financial opportunity' phase, but definitely better for the soul.
[from here; the title quotation is from "Hold Back the Rain" by Duran Duran]

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