
confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness

What was your favorite subject/class in school?     "Science" while it was still just that. Psych (though I only took one class). History.
baby reader
What is the single most important thing you learned as a child?     how to read
Do you remember your last first date?     I think it was dinner at a very mellow family restaurant, followed by a crying fight in a car, followed by a movie. As with much we did, it was complicated, troubling, and sweet.
What is your ideal night?     seek to avoid idealizing anything
What do you look forward to experiencing with your best friend?     the next phase in our work lives
If it cost the same, would you live in a mansion or a mid-sized house with a lot of land?     house, please. I'm not the mansion type.
If you could change one thing about your character, what would it be?     I would really like to resolve my tendency toward pessimism
When were you the last proud of yourself?     yesterday (Monday - I'm writing this on Tuesday). I tried something that I've been afraid of for a while, just to see if I could.
bird in glasses
What do you hope to achieve in the short-term?     I hope to be able to wear my contacts again soon! Glasses are for the birds.
Do you think your pet can also be your friend?     absolutely. Some pets are energetic, some snuggly, some funny and silly, some dignified. The kind that will accept affection are those that I will want around.
How often should a couple argue or fight to maintain a healthy relationship?     like, how frequently should it be scheduled? Some good couples disagree often, and it clears the air. Some good couples are generally in accord, and fight only under extreme circumstances. Some couples argue only as a last resort, which can be fatal.
    Fighting is hard. There are layers that we don't seem to realize when it starts, like how it reminds us of fights we've seen between others, fights we've had with others, expectation and hopes that seem damaged or worse. It can be infuriating, scary, intimidating, and sometimes just tiresome. 
    I've never been a good arguer. I tend toward two directions, either stone cold or fiery hot. The cold usually comes out more gradually, and the hot in a heartbeat. I think that's what it's like for passionate people. I have gotten better, in part because I had a partner who helped me see another side to things, reminded me that "irrational" is hard to work with, and set high standards for both of us.
damn I love breakfast
Do you prefer family events or alone time?     both have their place. More family time coming up, including a standing breakfast with the parents & sibling!
Is there anything that gives you overwhelming anxiety?     thinking too much. Yup, that's hard to avoid sometimes, and once it starts it takes over fast.
What helps you decompress?     reading, movies, and long walks
What is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?     American Me. Unhinged, the Russell Crowe post-COVID mess, is a close second.
If you could have one human talent that you don’t currently have, what would it be?     networking
If you could be a character from a hit television show, who would you pick?     Al Michaels
[from here; the title quotation is by August Wilson]

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