
I think that smart is sexy, and driven is sexy, and passion is sexy, and if you're passionate about math, so be it

junior year = drunk as Hell
What was your favorite year of school?     junior year of college, probably. I don't remember much of it.
What is your most memorable family event?     my wedding, I guess? It's the one time that I can recall my entire extended family together. 
When and where did you go on your first date ever?     probably the movies? I miss being asked out to see a movie. Good memories there.
I love your sexy brain!!
What is your favorite thing about the last person you texted?     his brain
What is your favorite memory with that person?     too many to count, too varied to count, and - with any luck - many still to come
What do you see as your best character trait?     the ability to see possibilities and alternatives. That's also my worst trait, though.
Generally speaking, do you like the way you look?     generally speaking, yes. There are discrete aspects that I would like to change, but overall... yeah, I'm fine.
What inspires you to better yourself?     envy
What is your long-term goal?     successful, happy retirement
Do you think you can have multiple best friends or only one?     the term "best friend" is fraught. Relationships change, and people change, and it's the endurance that counts.
What is your advice for long-distance friendships?     be present when you're together—whether face to face or electronically—by shutting out the distractions that get in the way
What is the most important thing in a relationship? (e.g. trust, respect, etc.)     this might sound strange, but I think it's honesty - in the sense of telling your own truth and being faithful to the commitments you've made to yourself.
indoor person
Provided there is good weather, do you enjoy indoor or outdoor activities?
     I have a reputation for being anti-nature, for good reason. I don't seek opportunities to become one with the outdoors. However, over the last few years I've been increasingly interested in taking care of myself, and one of the ways that I do that is to walk around my neighborhood. I like to get out, get some sun, have a (relatively) free workout, by myself. 
    Wintertime is indoor time, though. Being out in cold weather brings me down.
Have you ever been camping? What was your favorite part?     yes, I've been camping. I did not particularly enjoy it. Not because it was "outside" or "nature-y" or I had to sleep on the ground (which I did), but because it seemed sort of pointless. There's a high degree of hauling stuff from inside to the campsite, using it, and then hauling it back (but now damp, smoky, and a little ripe). 
    My favorite part was walking by the water, and s'mores.
Is there a smell that instantly relaxes you?     shredded beef
Do you like to pull scary pranks on people?     no, I think pranks are awful. What's the point? I think it's hurtful, and feels a lot like bullying.
If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?     
    1. a moratorium on insurance, cell phones, or random medication advertising in sports
    2. skin that doesn't get dry
    3. money! money money money
You’re going to outer space. What planet do you want to see?     Venus!
[from here; the title quotation is by Jonathan Slavin]

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