
if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything

just ... everything
What’s something you wish you could change about yourself?     my size, shape, and composition
What’s the most important thing you've ever done at work?     made available hundreds of thousands of library materials to the people whose tax dollars paid for them, whose residency provided for them, and who wanted and needed access to them
What makes you laugh the most?     reading
The Rundown (2003)
What’s the worst movie you ever saw?     why draw more attention to the bad ones? For every All Hat there's a True Grit. For every Lip Service there's a Sex, Lies and Videotape. For every Thrill Seekers
there's a Rundown. For every Harvey there's a The Shape of Water, and on and on.
Have you ever made a decision that changed your life?     every grown up has done that, whether they realized at the time that it was such a big deal.  
wrapped up in a blanket like a BOSS
Would you rather be hot or cold?     cold. I've been too warm way too often lately. And I love being wrapped up in cozy blankets.
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?     toast
What’s the most annoying thing people do in public?     act like there are no other people who matter, such as talking too loudly, driving over the center line (especially in a multi-lane traffic circle, WTF people!), not picking up their animals' byproducts (including children's), and using power tools where something simple would do the trick
How many close friends is ideal?     exactly as many as I have
not so hot
What’s one place you've visited that you never want to return?     Atlanta did nothing for me.
    There's clearly way more to it than I was able to experience, especially in the company I was keeping—but that doesn't make me want to go back.

Are you a dog person or a cat person and why?     I'm a cat person. Dogs don't make sense to me. They're so ... open about everything, in a way that I don't understand. Maybe it's the introvert in me, discomfort with being imposed upon.
What is on your bucket list?     I am sick to death of this concept. You can get obsessively focused on checking events and destinations off this mystical list, without realizing that you're miserable with all the traveling and the cost. Collecting experience badges, not memories or joy.
I think he's Polish, to tell the truth
Who’s your dream dinner party guest, living or dead?     I had a friend in high school who started out wanting to be a DJ but detoured into cooking. He's been a professional chef for most of his adult life. We caught up briefly at a class reunion, but haven't seen each other in years. I would like to have a meal with him someday, to get his perspective on food and restaurants, owning a business, and what it takes to be in a job like that.
What are you most thankful for?     migraine medicine, friends, and unemployment benefits that have kept me in house & home & food (and medicine!) for the time I've been out of a job
[from here; the title quotation is by Muhammad Ali] 

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