
she was already learning that if you ignore the rules people will, half the time, quietly rewrite them so that they don't apply to you

What is your best childhood memory?     playing volleyball (by myself) off the house roof. It was more challenging than it sounds because the yard was not level there and I had to be careful not to take a header off the downspouts. I did that for hours at a time, pretty much right up until I left for college.
If you don’t want to be a parent, why?     because I've aged out
Do you want to live near or far from relatives?     not "far from" - but definitely not "with", either
Where is the perfect honeymoon locale?     Vanuatu or Anguilla
How often do you go out of your way to help someone?     when I can. I recently took a couple of homemade suppers to my sick bff, along with a tray of Devil's food bars.
If you could pick a new “golden rule,” what would it be?    I do not make rules for other people
Who in your family do you view as a role model?     each has strengths - and they complement each other
Are you inspired by any celebrities, dead or alive?     sure
What are you most ashamed of?     becoming (?) an unattractive woman
Is failing less than, equal to, or more important than succeeding?     failing is important, for sure. People who haven't failed at anything significant do not have the chance to develop some necessary skills, like humility and tenacity. 
    Succeeding is vital, too. It breeds confidence and power. 
    Both, I guess. Equal to. 
Do you think a couple should split costs?     no. Call me a rebel, but I think the person who asks should pay, or the one who can best afford it. In a good partnership, each one gives.
What is the best concert you’ve ever attended?     today, I think it was The Nylons.
What events are on your bucket list? (e.g. Lollapalooza, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, etc.)     this is timely. I've lately realized that I am not at all interested in earning "experience badges". For me, the value is not where I've been or how far I've traveled or what I can tell people I've done. Instead, it's the experience that I had while doing what I wanted to do, and the people that've gone through the flames with me. I do enjoy the "things"--I have many play programs, sports tickets, and photographs to show for it! I more highly value the decision and commitment to do something, the person I've been with, or the quieter rewards.
What is your biggest fear in life?     being murdered.
If you could be an object for a day, what would you be?     a sex toy
If you could be an animal for a week, what would you be?     a pigeon
[from here; the title quotation is by Terry Pratchett, from Equal Rites]

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