
only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible in us be found

What’s the most impressive event you’ve ever attended?    
topiary fascinates me
a very fancy wedding in Tupelo, MS, the US Open (golf), or prehaps my own swearing-in

Which meal is the most important one?     the one directly in front of you
Do you prefer to watch a movie alone or with other people?     I'm really more of a solitary movie watcher
Do you ever participate in the local cultural stuff your city has to offer?     yes, now and then. It typically takes the form of adventuring with the BFF. We don't do all of it - because really, nobody needs to do all of it - and we make plenty of fun of it, too. (My city takes itself way too seriously as a "cultural hub.") Still, it can be fun; we've made some great memories.
Nokia will survive the apocalypse
Do you care about updating your phone to a new model often? 
    no, not often. I do it when my current device stops working properly. Two phones ago, the camera was not reliable. The last one's battery started to go. Even as expensive as they are, phones are not built to last forever.
What’s your favorite decade of movies?     each has its strong points. I'm not a huge fan of the 1970s, I guess. Lately have been into the 1930s and 40s. Favorite, though? Maybe the 1990s.
What hobbies are you interested in trying out?     my BFF has gotten deeply into needle-felting, so I'm going to get a lesson in that one of these weekends
Would you rather get $10 million today, or in monthly payments spread out across your lifetime?     today, absolutely. I know a guy who could help turn it into a lot more than that - and who knows what my life expectancy is at this point anyway? Use it while you can.
What’s the first thing you would look at if you were choosing an apartment to rent?     no shared walls. If I were to live in another rented apartment, it would need to be a one-off, perhaps above a business.
Homer Simpson's dream car
What would be your dream car?     one that works right, is big enough to haul some stuff but small enough to parallel park, and does not cost a fortune in fuel and maintenance
What do you think about old black & white movies?     Love them!
Do you try to have variety in your diet?     yes, I try. I'm a work in progress.
Did you ever want to have an exotic or dangerous animal for a pet?     only plants - some of them are exotic enough for me
[from here; the title quotation is by Pema Chodron] 

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