
seeking means: having a goal. But finding means: being free, being open, having no goal

Have you ever looked back at something traumatic and felt glad it happened, because it helped you grow?     that requires maturity, strength, and most of all time & distance
What’s the longest time you had to wait for something?     uh, not sure how to answer this. Forever? Eight days? 29 minutes?
What do you think about “eye for an eye”?     seems about right
How would your life be different if you hadn’t been friends with your best friend?     I would be dead.
Have you ever betrayed anyone?     yup. It feels lousy - but sometimes less lousy than any alternative.
In what way are you still the same person you were when you were a kid?     I had dinner with my parents on New Years' Day, and I ate my first (homemade) bun by picking it apart with my fingers and downing it before the meal began.
Do you think your parents gave preference to you or any of your siblings?     no. We were each treated as individuals, and not as competitors or "versions".
What was the last song that emotionally moved you?     Christmas songs can be extra effecting. This year, Elvis Presley's "Santa Bring my Baby Back to Me" made me cry.
Do you think anyone knows you very well?    It's hard to be known. The better you know me, the more I risk losing when you're gone. Opening up to anyone, at all, in any way, brings the danger of sadness. 
    That means I try - really hard - not to let anyone know me too well. There are a few people who are the exception to that rule. Even that can be difficult sometimes.
How do you decide on what goals to set for yourself?     I don't. Just thinking about goals makes my stomach ache.
How many friends are too many?     200
How do you want to improve the world you live in?     grow more flowers. Draw attention to simple pleasures. Keep less stuff. Be as forgiving as possible.
[from here; the title quotation is by Herman Hesse, from Siddhartha] 

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