
so many things are possible just as long as you don't know they're impossible

What can money not buy?     class
If you left this life tomorrow, how would you be remembered?     there are many answers to this. I suppose most people would remember me being happy to read and learn. My family might say it's my curiosity or affection. Good friends, my wit and loyalty.
Beyond the titles that others have given you, who are you?     there are some people who know me really, really well, so the "titles" that they've given me are more accurate, and intimate, than the usual. Friend, daughter, sister. Aunt (and great-aunt). Cousin x42. Former... girlfriend, wife, lover, friend. Coworker, colleague, classmate. Student, attorney, not-a-trust-officer. Cataloger. Annoyance.
buy the dip?
If you could live the next 24 hours and then erase it and start over just once, what would you do?     take careful notes of stock spikes and crashes, and then cash in everything so I could buy accordingly.
Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first?     yes
What word best describes the way you’ve spent the last month of your life?     quiet
What makes everyone smile?     there is no uniform joy
What do you owe yourself?      
    1. a long, hot, bubbly bath
    2. a month of daily 5k walks
    3. breakfast for dinner
What would your ‘priceless’ Mastercard-style commercial be?     for those unclear on the concept, see this lovely example...
    Mine would be something like this: Mortgage - $1000. Groceries - $300. Utilities - $300. Not working for a bank or lawyer? Priceless.
Can you think of a time when impossible became possible?     the last time I fell in love, it felt that way. We defied all the odds and conventions and each other, and something miraculous happened.
loyal doggy
Why do you matter?     my go-to answer to this question is to pat myself on the back for being loyal. I realized last night, when I was staring at the ceiling in the dark, that being loyal is not necessarily a good thing. After all, who do we think of when we hear the word "loyal"? Dogs. They are indeed loyal, faithful, dedicated and true. But they're also smelly, slobbery, and (sorry) dumb. They are sometimes overly aggressive.  They make a mess without even trying. And they sadly lack capacity for nuance.
How have you changed in the last five years?     oh wow, SO much! I'm more serious, but less depressed and anxious. I'm living more simply, have less stuff - but also less money. My teeth are straighter, I snore less, and apparently now sleep with my eyes partially open (!). I'm more serene, I guess, about some stuff that used to fire me up. Fewer expectations and more appreciation. 
What are you more sure of in your life than ever before?     the love and care of my best friends and family.
[from here; the title quotation is by Norton Juster, from The Phantom Tollbooth]

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