
that fallen heart feeling that you rushed right through the moments where you should've been paying attention

Did you have a circle of friends in school?     uh, yeah? Didn't everyone?
Do you prefer staying at home or going out?     staying home, at least until it's warm enough outside that it doesn't hurt to breathe
Are you involved in any kind of activism?     I'm more of an inactivist. I strongly promote being still, sometimes, and not making arguments (or really even sounds) of any kind.
Do you enjoy creating things?     very much
Was it easy for you to choose a career?     not at all. The ones that chose me were, overall, excruciating. The one I chose has been a long time coming.
What do you enjoy about being out in the nature?     squirrels chasing each other. Flowers blooming, especially in disordered ways. Birds chirping quietly, and from a distance. Waterways of all kinds. Tiny paw prints. 
ST:TOS humor
What’s your type of humor?     nerdy and obscure. I'm not much of a funny-ha-ha person. Obvious jokes often go over my head, and puns annoy me. I guess I'm amused by the wit in everyday life.
Do you often get sick?     not nearly as much as when I was married! I recently discovered a box in the basement that I've moved MANY times, which contained (among other things) a giant heap of floppy disks and my medical records from the first decade I was married. I was very, very surprised when I went through it, to see that I was seeing various medical professionals at least monthly if not more often. Granted, most of that was trying to get my headaches sorted out, or to resolve my "family planning" concerns.
Scooby sick
    Anyway, I haven't been sick, except for one notable six weeks stretch at the end of 2019 ... was it early COVID? We may never know... during which I had (that I knew of): pneumonia, bronchitis, an ear infection, and a sinus infection. I was away from work for around 20 days over a 6-week span and have no memory at all of Christmas or New Years. Since then, I have had no sinus or ear infections, and have seen my doctor maybe 3x/year for ongoing
(i.e. migraine) issues.
Do you read much?     now and then, every day
What other career paths did you consider?     I'm not much into career contemplation.
Do you see smoking as something cool?     nah, that's one vice whose allure has eluded me
Do you like being in the center of attention?     {*{*{*shudder*}*}*}
[from here; the title quotation is by Chuck Palahniuk, from Invisible Monsters]

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