
the wound is the place where the Light enters you

Did you ever have a penpal?     I do now! There are a handful of people with whom I correspond by mail. It's a low stress way of keeping in touch, because there's no time constraints and nothing blinking at you when you take an extra day or two to respond. There's also something ineffably lovely about personal mail.
Do you relax easily?     most of the time, yes. It's easy for me to just sit and think or watch a movie or read, without fidgeting. I'm also an excellent napper. It's been harder lately, though, because some days seem endless and I'm having some trouble with thinking too much.
Who do you look up to?     lots of people. For instance, I admire my brother for all the ways he is a
looking up
good son to my parents.
Do you believe in life after death?     not in so many words
Do you bite your tongue or your cheeks more often?     ugh, I currently have a sore on my lip where I've bitten and re-bitten it. It's in a spot that just won't seem to heal!
Do you like scars?     this is a very strange question, one that I've never considered before. My own scars are frustrating or annoying, depending on the circumstances. Many of them were acquired by me being dumb. Other peoples' scars, though... I'm not sure that I notice them? Or, if I do, they seem more innocuous. Like a normal part of life.
How often do you clean up your room?     not often, at least as a conscious top-to-bottom activity. It doesn't often get to the point of needing a concerted effort to be clean, though. It's a simple room.
Do you like the taste of blood?     ugh, no
How long can you hold your breath?     not very long
Do you like peeling off stickers and labels off packaging?     definitely not. It takes a lot to get me to the point of fidgeting, and anyway I can't stand the feeling of stuff stuck under my fingernails.
With tattoos being so popular, why don’t people do the same thing to their clothes?     what, doodle on them? I think some people do, whether with indelible ink or by sewing or otherwise modifying them. But I think that what it comes down to is the idea of changing one's appearance permanently - that the permanence is the appeal, the intentional alteration of what was once considered a static aspect of life. Can I change who I am, even in small part, by changing the way that I look? Can I do that in a way that will matter for the rest of my life? Can I know now what I will want, need, and be, in the future? 
Ever tried putting a bunch of glue on your palm and then peeling it off?     when I was a little kid, I think?
What percentage of your shopping time is spent on reading the labels and contents of the food you’re buying?     very, very little. I will sometimes seek out something with less salt or fat, but generally I just go with my first choice when buying food.
[from here; the title quotation is by Rumi]

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