
when life gives you lemons, make sure you know whose eyes you need to squeeze them in

What simple gesture have you recently witnessed that renewed your hope in humanity? 
    if humanity is relying on my faith to get us through, we're all in trouble
lemon mmm mmm mmm
What is your favorite smell? 
What recent memory makes you smile the most? 
    playing Apples to Apples with the BFF and family at Christmas. Even just thinking the phrase "sports bras" can still make me laugh out loud.
In a word, how would you describe your childhood? 
What celebrities do you admire? Why? 
What is the number one motivator in your life right now? 
silence, like the G in Lasagna
What music do you listen to to lift your spirits when you’re feeling down?
    if I'm down, I tend to pull away from music. I've neither had a CD nor played the radio in the car for a few weeks. I did play Christmas music, as much as I could stand - mostly just to play with my new JBL Bluetooth speaker.
If I gave you $1000 and told you that you had to spend it today, what would you buy? 
    health insurance
colleges asking for money
What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud? 
    a request for donations to one of my alma maters. The timing is absurd.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
      today, it's people who buy stuff on eBay and never leave a review. I'm not asking for paragraphs of heartfelt sentiment, just poke the stars and say "good seller." It's just not that difficult, and it makes a difference. (For reference: I've sold 303 items and received 168 reviews. That's 54% response.)
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? 
    a college bf, on his birthday
What are some recent compliments you’ve received? 
    uhm, pretty much the only thing to fall into that category is correspondence from the indefatigable 2:00-man. None of it is repeatable. (And no, I will not share any of his photos.)

[from here; the title quotation is by Colleen Hoover, from Ugly Love]

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