
now that the wheel has broken, grief is the constant

Who comforts you now that the wheel has broken? 
No more princes for the poor. Loss whittling you thin. 
Grief is the constant now, hope the last word spoken. 
In a dance of two elegies, which circles the drain? A token 
year with its daisies and carbines is where we begin. 
Who comforts you now? That the wheel has broken 
is Mechanics 101; to keep dreaming when the joke’s on 
you? Well, crazier legends have been written. 
Grief is the constant now; hope, the last word spoken 
on a motel balcony, shouted in a hotel kitchen. No kin 
can make this journey for you. The route’s locked in. 
Who comforts you now that the wheel has broken 
the bodies of its makers? Beyond the smoke and 
ashes, what you hear rising is nothing but the wind. 
Who comforts you? Now that the wheel has broken, 
grief is the constant. Hope: the last word spoken. 

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