
the tremor —that deathly tremor— to the end of my end

The black of my irises, 
those simple, reclusive Sufis of mine 
swooned in the song-spell of his eyes. 
I sensed him billow all around me, 
radiating towards infinity 
to the other side of life 
like fire’s red pyramid, 
like a cloud in spasm of rain, 
like a sky embraced 
by warm seasons’ breath. 
I sensed that in the breeze 
of his hands’ movements 
the substance of my being 
was disintegrating. 
I sensed his heart peal inside mine 
like the bell of a wandering sorcerer. 
The clock took flight. 
The curtain withdrew with the wind. 
I had pressed him to myself 
inside the halo of that fire 
and I wanted to say something 
but to my astonishment 
his thick shadowing lashes 
released themselves like silk strands 
from the base of darkness 
along desire’s long trail 
and through the tremor 
—that deathly tremor— 
to the end of my end. 
I sensed my release. 
I sensed my release. 
I sensed my skin crack from love’s dilating joy, 
as my flaming mass melted slowly 
and flowed, streamed and flowed 
into the moon, 
a turbulent blurry moon 
drowned in a ditch. 
We had cried into each other. 
We had madly lived a moment’s 
ephemeral union inside one other.

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