
kindness falls like rain

31. 3 random facts about you
    a. I seem to be slowly transitioning into a morning person, quite against my will. I wake up naturally between 7:00 and 8:00 most days, and generally go to bed between 9:30 and 11:00.
    b. there is a 'beauty mark' (mole) over my top lip, a la Cindy Crawford - but mine is nearly invisible
    c. I am a terrible prognosticator, so betting pools and sports picks are laughably pointless
32. Are your friends mainly girls or guys? 
    yup, mainly one or the other! I suppose I gravitate more toward being friends with guys since we often have more in common. (That may be the source of my romantic miseries, my tendency to be "one of the guys.") However, my oldest friends are all girls. There's really no substitute for hanging out with someone you've known for 3/4 of your life - who still loves and appreciates you, warts & all.
33. Something you want to learn 
    I'd like to make my own tiny Christmas trees rather than buying them from craft sales every year.  It's been a while since I've done any crafting of my own. I have the space for it, for sure.
34. Most embarrassing moment 
    many years ago now, I poked the eye of a guy I had just started dating, when he leaned in to kiss me. It was not intentional, just a byproduct of eagerness, proximity, and the perpetually uncoordinated uselessness of my left hand. Just thinking about it makes me cringe. He was cool about it, there was no harm done, and all was as well as that situation ever was.
36. Three dreams you want to fulfill? 
    1. travel to Canada
    2. publish a book - not just a self-published mess, but with a real publisher and editor
    3. pay my bills, and die without being beholden to anyone or leaving a hassle for my personal representative
37. Favorite actor/actress
    lately, I've been into Corey Stoll, who's been at the edges of my consciousness since I first saw This is Where I Leave You, and who I thoroughly enjoyed in the disaster that was Law and Order : Los Angeles. I've also sought out more Jean Harlow, since I found out that she died at 26. All her work was done in only a handful of years. That makes her movies even more of a treasure.  
38. Favorite comedian
    Greg Davies. His comedy is so self-deprecating and silly that I regularly laugh out loud, when I'm watching alone. These bits with Ryan Gosling and Ashton Kutcher are some of my favorites.
39. Favorite sport 
    to watch: football. To play: tennis.
41. Relationship status 
    "'Oh,' she says. 'You're changing.'    But we're always changing..."
42. Favorite book
    lately I've been getting into Jennifer Crusie's novels, which I am reading in order of publication (there is an arc to some of them, so it's just easier). They have some similarities but the characters are different enough to be individuals in their own right. I don't have a favorite. 
46. What my last text message says
47. Turn-ons 
     deep conversation, shallow kisses, and cooking together
48. Turn-offs 
    being told what to do/how to do something (when I haven't asked), incense, or mood music
49. Where I want to be right now 
    right where I am. I'm curled up in an extra soft blanket, watching a movie. It's a good, quiet night.
50. Favorite picture of your idol 
    no idols
51. Star sign 
star sign. Literally.
52. Something I'm talented at 
53. 5 things that make me happy      
    • animal footprints
    • Saturday morning conversations with my brother, whose silliness and ease increase as we get older (and have lived near each other longer)
    • rain
    • looking at photos I've taken with my "real" camera. It will do me good to use it more often. 
    • fruit
54. Something that's worrying me at the moment 
    always, always money
55. Tumblr friends 
    my one remaining Tumblr friend is Mr. S, a.k.a. The Knot, who gave me an AMAZING birthday gift again this year!
56. Favorite food
    bread with salty butter
57. Favorite animal
    lately I've been enjoying the neighborhood squirrels' antics
58. Description of my best friend 
    curious, interesting, (surprisingly) introverted, kind 
59. Why I joined Tumblr
    my boyfriend at the time was into it, and kept sharing things with me that I couldn't access because I wasn't registered. I registered and got into it pretty quickly - and then he abandoned it anyway.
60. Answer anything you want 
    I'm fantasizing of brownies made with bacon
[from here; the title quotation is by Counting Crows, from "Anna Begins" - as is my answer to #41]

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