
sing, cry, dance, laugh and live intensely, before the curtain closes and the piece ends with no applause

fuzzy blankie
...you had to choose the one thing that gives you the most comfort, what would you say? 
     fuzzy blankets
...you could have one extra hour each day to do only one thing, what would you do in that hour? 
     write, whether here on the blog or elsewhere. Tasks and other responsibilities often take precedence over what I want to be doing
...very good friends were visiting your town, where would you take them to eat, if money were no object?
     there is one top-tier restaurant in town, and I'm not a huge fan. It's good, albeit pretty weird, but far more expensive than it is good, and definitely not comfortable. (The interior design is industrial, angular, and hard. And dark as f#$%.)
    I would take very good friends to the barbecue place, owned by a high school friend, which I adore. And to the pizza place, launched in 1958, where the crust is crispy and the sauce is delicious. And to the Mexican place that's further west - closer to my home, actually - where the food is full of flavor, hot, and fast.
waterfall envy
...you could personally see one natural phenomenon that you have never seen, what would it be?
     ooooh, a waterfall! I've never seen a real one, just the river control deals that look more industrial than natural. I very, very much want to see a real one someday.
...you could have one new store added to your town, what would it be?
      any clothing store for adult women. For no reason that I can understand, it's been nearly impossible to launch and keep up such  a thing afloat since I was in high school. If you can't buy it at Target or the farm n' barn, you're gonna be driving for it.
Charles Chaplin
...you could be given the complete film library of the work of a single actor, who would you pick?
     Charles Chaplin. I've got a few of his films, but would love to have access to all of them, including the shorts.
...you had to choose the hour of day when time goes slowest, what would you say?
     that's easy: the last hour of the workday (typically 2:00-3:00 PM) drags as if each movement of the second hand is a torment. I would swear that at least some of the time, the clock at least stops if not actually moves backward. Why, I wonder? Where do we get that sort of skewed perspective?
 [from If2: 500 New Questions for the game of life; the title quotation is by Charles Chaplin, from Charlie Chaplin : Interviews]

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