
if we omitted all that is unclear, we would probably be left completely uninteresting and trivial tautologies

1. If you could recover one thing you've lost in your lifetime, what would you wish to find? 
    a box of letters from my high school friend, Andrew. I think I lost it in the move from the junior year apartment to the little house on the east end, but God only knows. It's the only thing I've ever lost that won't quite leave my mind, wondering what happened to it.
2. If you could have the home phone number of anyone in the world, whose would it be, and what would you say to them? 
     assuming I could text rather than talk...I follow the sometimes silly, sometimes serious, always interesting IG page for a Los Angeles law firm, Wisner & Baum. The attorney who appears in my favorite posts would be wonderful to communicate with, behind the scenes. I could ask about law, practice, and also some personal stuff that's been shared. Count me in. 
3. If you could eliminate one habit you have, what would you stop doing? 
    when I'm stressed, I (unconsciously) rub the side of my right thumb with the pad of the second finger. It happens frequently and badly enough that the thumbnail will not grow properly, and is often sensitive or sore. It looks rough, feels bad, and serves no good purpose.
4. If you had to have a personal friend redecorate your house, who would you pick to do it?
    a friend from grade school, Rachel. She is a fine artist (paints in oils), a graphic designer (that's her day job), a photographer (mostly family), and a skilled amateur interior designer. She has a wonderful eye, asks good questions before coming up with solutions (form follows function), and she's incredibly nice. I trust her judgment. Working with her to redecorate would be fun!
5. If you could resolve any single dispute, anywhere in the world, what would you solve? 
    I would completely eliminate the idea of book banning from any person's mind. Banning books is like legislating thought, impossible and inappropriate.
6. If you could "unknow" one thing you know, what would it be?  
    what it feels like to love someone who loves somebody else.
7. If you could have any type of fresh cut flowers delivered to your home every week, what one type would you pick? 
    I'd rather have a pot of blue-purple lobelia and yellow thunbergia.
[from If...Questions for the Game of Life; the title quotation is from Werner Heisenberg]

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