
there are voices heard within that rasp and coo out terror

It's the sense that counts us human 
more than any other. Though not 
to touch can be our choosing, 
veiling eyes, holding nose, 
stiffened lips together tight 
as the clam's in matters of taste, 
try as we might ears can't be closed. 
Who speaks our way, whether 
to declaim I hate you, love 
or merely Good day to you 
we've no choice but to let 
into the mind, cede an instant 
of our lives to seek to understand, 
become a part of all we'll know. 
Even could we declare ourselves gods 
as did those crewcut Mach 1 boys 
who first outflew all sound, most fear, 
body's rumbling percussion even, 
still there are voices heard within 
that rasp and coo out terror, love, 
fathers, mothers speaking their minds. 
[David Citino {1947-2005} 'Sister Mary Appassionata on the Nature of Sound', from The Appassionata Doctrines]

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