
good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment

1. If you were to name an aspect of your own personality that you have the most difficulty explaining to other people, what would it be? 
    I need to be solitary a lot of the time, but that does not mean I don't like my friends or want to spend time with them.
2. If you were to recall the biggest error you have ever made in the judgment of character, when would you say it was? 
    a girl with whom I worked at the library and sort of 'took in' when she was in a really tough spot turned out to be a user and a flake. The funny part of it is that when I introduced her to my college BF, she recognized library girl's flaw from the first moment. It was a sharp reminder that I'm not infallible about people, and conveying convincing sadness doesn't mean concern or care when I am hurting.
3. If you could ask a psychic one question, knowing you would get a true answer, what would you ask? 
    "Was I wrong?"
4. If you had to articulate the biggest misunderstanding between you and your parents, what would you say? 
it would be either tattoos on women or the logic of my divorce. The former is trashy, and the latter remains bewildering and slightly hurtful, though they've come around a great deal in the intervening years.
5. If you could witness a miracle, what would you choose to see? 
    sustained civility in political belief and action in this country. Far too many people have adopted the stance that their way is the only way, and everyone else is a fucking idiot who deserves to burn in Hell, or worse. Being an asshole doesn't make you right, treating other people badly doesn't make you better, and insulting the intelligence of people you profess to like or care about or be friends with means you're a jerk.
6. If you were to choose one television show to be banned for moral reasons, which would you pick? 
    not "on moral reasons", but I would for sure eliminate the first (and every subsequent) reality show from human memory. I think they are manipulative, fatuous, predatory, humiliating, encouraging of the worst aspects of humanity, a pointless mind-suck, and most of all: they are not entertaining.
7. If you had to select one thing you wish you hadn't witnessed or experienced in your life, what would you say it was? 
     ever so many things. The most recent was a series of photographs, viewed for work, that I wish no one had ever needed to see.

[from If: Questions for the Soul; the title quotation is by Rita Mae Brown, from Alma Mater]

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