1. What childhood game would you like to put an adult twist on?
2. What is the most sexually mysterious thing about you?
I hope it's all mysterious, at least in the sense of not being known to anyone who doesn't need to know. And at this point, no one needs to know.
In the spirit of it, though... the most mysterious aspect of this area of my life is its specific focus. As far as I can tell, only two people (well, possibly three) have the slightest inkling of the direction that my interest lies. In a lifetime of easily succumbing to a confession compulsion, this is almost unprecedented. How discreet I am becoming, late in life.
3. What is something you've never done in bed before?
this is hilarious, coming directly after #2, above.
Please believe this: the planet of what I've never done is far more vast, murky, and dangerous than the island of what I have.
4. Do you ever feel misunderstood by the opposite sex?
in a sexual sense, or overall? Regardless: yes, naturally, isn't everyone?
Specifically, guys as a stereotyped generic whole are not great with recognizing the value of intensity and duration of certain matters of foreplay. Understanding that it's a matter of personal preference, it'd be swell not to need to specify every little thing.
5. Are you willing to take a little risk?
in almost every aspect of life, yes. A life lived in fear is a life half-lived.
6. Describe a memorable kiss.
[I may have answered this in a recent - or prehaps upcoming, preposted - posting, but you may as well indulge me since this whole thing is an exercise in my ego.]
a few years ago, I had a second-time-around opportunity of involvement with someone I'd known when I was young. Something less than "dating" but more than "hooking up," we'd connected in a particularly odd time in our lives, and that connection made a lasting impression. He was my first and strongest 'one who got away'.
That first kiss, the second time through? It was The Princess Bride of kisses. Sweet, familiar, lovely, and almost innocent...and with the promise of not innocence! Delicious.
7. Have you ever faked an orgasm?
of course not
[from 269 Red Hot XXX-Rated Questions; the title quotation is by Erica Jong, from Fear of Flying]
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