I am fascinated by the sorts of quizzes designed to help a person know more about who they really are. One of my favorites is The Truity 7 Love Styles test, a brief (10 minutes maybe?) test of "how you prefer to give and receive love", some hard thinking needed. I've taken it just the once.
The concept of love languages was created by couples counselor Dr. Gary Chapman, who observed that people differ in what sort of interactions make them feel loved. Dr. Chapman described 5 love languages, however our research on over 500,000 volunteers indicates there are actually seven distinct ways of showing love. This quiz measures your preference for all 7 of these modern love styles.
The stuff with which I particularly agree is in italics, and most highly apt are in red bold.
Your Intellectual Love Style
As a person with an Intellectual love style, you like to connect through the mind. You feel loved when your partner values your intelligence, respects your opinion, and takes part in thoughtful discussions of important issues.
People with Intellectual as their dominant love style seek a partner who asks for their opinion because they care about what they have to say. This type is likely to enjoy deep conversations about things that matter to them and a partner who will happily debate ideas.
You feel most loved when your partner:
• Takes a deep interest in what you say and how you think.
• Respects and values your opinions.
• Wants to talk with you about things that matter.
• Is excited to share their thoughts and ideas with you.
[the title quotation is from George Thorogood's "Who Do You Love?"]
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