
Questions to Consider

Would you eat a chocolate-flavored product called "String-o-Bean" that provided 100% of the recommended daily allowance of the vitamins and minerals your body needs to be strong and healthy? How about cinnamon-flavored? Pretzel?

Why do some things sound so incredibly funny in your head and then not so funny in print?

Should it matter to me that my blog is being read by people from other countries? Maybe not, but it is, and it does. I find it both hilarious and kind of weird. Not creepy-weird, but cool weird. Like, little-old-me, aw-shucks-ish.

How do I know from whence the blog-readers hail? Click on the little checkmark icon at the bottom of the page. It'll open a new page for nedstatbasic, which is a free counter service. It lists the number of times my blog has been checked since 13 Feb., which is when I set up the counter. It also lists the country of origin for the ISP from which my page was accessed. As of this time, 95.9% of viewers have been from the U.S. 2.1% (3) have been from the UK, 1.4% (2) from New Zealand (that is so amazing), and .7% (1) from the Netherlands.

How did they find me?

What made Greg Maddux sign with the Cubs? Will it make a radical difference to this year's team? Or will having a legitimate pitching star on the staff throw a monkey wrench in the works, when part of the mojo for the last couple of years has been the "uncharted territory" and "lack of expectations" thing?

Will I ever finish my taxes?

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