
How I Spent My Lunch Millennium, version 3.25.04

    First, I'm thinking of H. and K. and J., and the rest of the extended J.R. family.
    Second, I'm thinking of the Cat and family, and horribly jealous of their vacation.
    This leaves me the only one of the four of us (J, K, and the C) still bloggin' away for the time being. That's a lot of pressure to be heaped on my shoulders. I'll do my best to carry the weight.
    I'm nearing the end of the first week. Other than the lunch issue, it's been pretty much the same old thing. There have been some surprises - like discovering that our materials budget is completely toast, a month and a half before the end of the fiscal year! - and some truly irritating situations. Like Monday, when I went to the courthouse to look over the law library for the first time. The intention was just to see what's over there and make some very preliminary determinations of what we might be able to weed out. We haven't nearly the space for them in the library that they have in the courthouse, so we simply must weed about 1/3 of the collection. Theoretically, it's feasible. Practically, it's impossible. Particularly since they haven't had a law librarian since the dawn of time, and since their current space is a little cave in the basement that smells like mushrooms and sanding leather. And since I'm being paid (by the library) to be a cataloger and head of technical services, not (by the court) to be a law librarian. 'Cause if I were the latter, I'd be making enough to compensate for sitting on the floor, like I was on Monday, getting all stinky from skudgy books, dusty from the rathole that they're in now, throwing out the 20th spare copy of 3 year old circuit court rules, and dehydrated because the 2500 volumes in that room the size of a MLB locker suck the moisture off your tongue like a cheerleader in heat. I had help - coworker T. volunteered (OK, I practically dragged her there by her hair) - and would've collapsed from mental anguish without it. There's no way this move'll happen by the end of May without some serious concentration of both labor and court resources.
    Yeah, trial by fire indeed.
    Today was LMA (tech consultant) day at my library. I can't decide whether Sleek:
        a. just thinks I'm a total, irredeemable freak
        b. thinks I'm a freak, but in a good way
        c. doesn't think at all, in part because he gets up way later every morning than he should and so is rushing around like a maniac and drinking Pepsi for breakfast.
    I wonder if he
        d. has read the blog and is embarrassed
        e. has read the blog and is pleased
        f. has read the blog and wants to throw spare monitors at me to make me stop writing in it about him?
    I did realize - much too late for it to make any difference - that I failed to make clear the other day that my intention of flirting with him is based not on the formula of (his proximity + his gender {which is rare in the library world}), but rather entirely on my thinking he's really quite interesting and enjoying both the conversations that we have and the way we glance at each other, on average, one time per minute over the four hours that he's here each week. So it's that, plus the fact that he's got rather amazing cheekbones, and he's tall (have I ever been interested in a tall man?), that intrigues me.
    So. If he reads this, will he
        g. comment
        h. run screaming into the night
        i. start an opposition blog called "ihategerb.blogspot.com"
        j. flirt with me first
        k. ask that mine be taken off his list of libraries
        l. ignore and avoid, and if necessary, "deny, deny, deny"?