

I took the job. Did I mention that it's not really a different job, just my job, only "better"? Yeah, my current/soon-to-be-former job has been part-time, and this job offer that I've been contemplating has been for a full-time version. Salary, benefits. Paid vacation from dreamland (relatively speaking).

I accepted it, and now I feel like a tiny little windsock, floating along on the prevailing breeze. Yes, I needed the money, and no, there were no guarantees that if I hadn't taken it, that things would have worked out the way that I wanted them to in other directions. So practically speaking, it's all fine. But I still feel like there's a rock where my heart is supposed to be. 'Cause I know I didn't do the right thing. Or maybe I did the "right" thing, but I didn't do what my heart was telling me to do.

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