
Friday Five

    From November 16, 2001 (still no new ones this week):
1. Name five things in your refrigerator. A rapidly-dying loaf of English Toasting Bread, 3 rolls of film, skim milk, Coke, and a dozen kinds of beer.
2. Name five things in your freezer. Absolut vodka, ice cubes, chicken breasts, raspberry daiquiri mix, and baby peas.
3. Name five things under your kitchen sink. Dishwasher detergent, aluminum foil, paper bags, sponges, and softsoap.
4. Name five things around your computer. Stuffed mice (i.e. stuffed animal mice, not taxidermy), Crate & Barrel catalog, CDs to burn and CD jackets/inserts to make, 5 boxes of index cards from my thesis (sooooooon to be recycled!), and the CD-ROM of The Sims that I've never installed on this computer because I think I'd screw around with it until I got absolutely nothing done.
5. How do you plan to spend your weekend? Today: another nap, some reading if I feel like it, and early to bed. Tomorrow, more of the same, although I should probably work a bit. I'll at least go in long enough to pick up journals. Sunday: the megalopolis with [friend] T and maybe Lori if she's free. Trader Joe's, Cost Plus, Victoria's Secret. Tea afterward. Girls' night. Co-worker X is on vacation all next week so I'll have the office to myself, so it'll be a long but productive week at the salt mine. A quietish weekend will help prepare for that.

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