

    If you're in a place where you can have the sound on without disturbing anyone else, follow this link and be entertained: Soy sauce. It is perhaps the strangest site I've found online in all my years of poking around in strange websites. I've been meaning to leave a link to that for ages, but only just remembered this morning. Nothing better to do since I'm home sick, and sick enough to not even feel like reading. It's not even one of those "perfect day to stay home" days - the weather is lovely (just 45° but sunny and no wind) and there work situation is very calm today so it would've been a decent day to be there. But the minor ick from yesterday is full-blown ick today and I didn't want to spread it around.
     Home isn't bad, though. I'm burning CDs now. Read a magazine that's been sitting around for over a month. There's an afternoon nap in my future. The cats are alternating - one wanders in and bugs me while the other one snoozes in the sun. If I can gather enough energy I might start migrating books from one shelf to another. (The fiction/literature room needs to be reorganized. One of the bookcases needs to be emptied so I can co-opt it into the biography/sociology/religion room, if at all possible.)
     As has been the case more often than not lately, my thoughts turn north, to two are working together to help another recover from surgery. It seems insufficient to say that I hope that recovery is swift and complete. I wish there was something practical that I could do. But I'm leery of being in the way, cognizant of my place - aware of what's going on, but maybe more because of peculiar circumstances than because I earned the right to be there. I know, I've been told to not worry so much, but it's things like this that make me worry the most. (And only one person in the world's going to know what I meant by that statement - the one who's told me a dozen times in the last few months - "you worry too much!") Anne Morrow Lindbergh wrote, "Men kick friendship around like a football, but it doesn't seem to crack. Women treat it like glass and it goes to pieces." I wish I'd never read that, because now I can't get it out of my head and it as much as anything is what concerns me. But the point of this is not me, it's that there's something greater than one or two - it's the linkages, the friendship that allows people to lean on each other to hold each other up. The power of connection. Whether we're in the same room or not, connected hand-in-hand or by email or blog, those voluntary links are what matter.
     It's time for a nap. Good weekend, y'all.

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