

What follows is a set of photographs of my hometown. They were taken from an overlook, during the winter. The first picture shows the East side of town.

The second picture is a slight shift to the west and shows much of the East lake.

The third is another move to the west and shows how the East and West lakes come together at the pike. If you look toward the top of the photograph, you will see another body of water in the distance - that is the River, and beyond it, the cheese state.

The fourth picture is further to the west. From this view you might see, comparatively, that most of the "older" part of town is to the east and that the newer growth has come in the west. The city is locked between the cheese state bluffs (and the river!) to the north and the home-state bluffs to the south (from which the photographs were taken), so there isn't much room for expansion in those directions. Oh, I forgot to mention one thing: the River flows from west to east past hometown.

The final photo is back to the east again, giving a more clear view of what's past the city in that direction.

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