

* Why did Blogger set up the profiles in such a counterintuitive fashion? If one wishes to post a picture in a standard posting from Hello, it's terribly easy. If one wishes to post a picture in one's profile, it requires hosting it elsewhere and linking to it. Why the convoluted extra step? It should either be free or not free, easy or not easy.
* Why have I suddenly fallen desperately in love with a dozen bands that I couldn't have cared less for before? I'm like an addict, craving time to listen to Semisonic, Better Than Ezra, and James, to name but three. Co-worker T is probably pulling her hair out with the frustration of having had to listen to the same CDs over and over, but I just can't get enough. I know everybody goes through musical phases, but this is ridiculous.
* What is the armadillio with Three Junes?! National Book Award winner, maybe, but I'm 160 pages in and it's all I can do to stay awake. I've faith in awarded literature but it's starting to feel...itchy.
* Every Thursday afternoon I have a headache that feels like a hangover.
* A certain half-bald co-worker who shall remain nameless left for lunch one day and failed to return. The next day, this person (R) didn't come in for R's assigned shift, and didn't call in. Yesterday, R called 10 minutes after R's shift was to have started, saying that R had just awoken and would be late. R was not reprimanded.
     By contrast, co-worker S "failed" to respond to co-worker M when M wished her a good morning, and S was given a written reprimand.     
     Hmm. What constitutes 'favoritism'?
* 4 people came into my office to ask the same question this morning. I'm either indispensable or an extremely poor communicator at work.

On that note, I'll get back to it.

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