
No Quotin' Bowie

    But there've been changes nonetheless. The trip was cancelled, essentially for reasons outside of my control. I'll go soon, just not this week. Instead, I went to a consortium meeting yesterday after getting way too little sleep for the second night in a row and feeling rather horrid. (BTW, I laughed my ass off singing along with "Follow Me" by Uncle Kracker on the way up.)
     The meeting itself wasn't that bad, all things considered. Almost no one there. Short agenda. Not much discussion. Nearly complete agreement on nearly everything, although a great deal of that is the inertia of the Barely Breathing. Lunch plans w/L (The Cataloguer) afterward. Didn't realize until we were nearly inside the building that the Ground Round is closed and being renovated. Came as a surprise but mostly because we were just wandering in without paying attention. Ended up at The Bagel Place. Had a lovely bacon sandwich, which reminds me of something that I'll need to write about soon....
     The trip back was uneventful (no snow) but for the old lady (circa 1850) driving 100 mph in the passing zones, 50 mph in the no-passing zones. Could've clocked her across the head if I'd caught her, which I naturally did only in the no-passing zones!
     Bizarre afternoon. Some miscommunication that later got cleared up in a big way thanks to 20th century technology (I finally got a cell phone and I can already see that it's going to make my life a lot better). I'm learning how to use the digital camera. Change can be good.

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