
Stuff & Nonsense

* The Hallmark card that always gets me, no matter how many times I see it:
front cover shows an ethnic-looking man in a turquoise spandex unitard liberally
decorated with sequins, gazing into the middle distance. The caption reads,
"'So, you will not go to Omaha with Paco? Paco can show you many things, but Paco
will not beg.'"

The inside of the card reads, "Birthday or not, don't go with Paco."
* According to The Gematriculator:
Please read more about this because it really is fascinating. (Thanks to Annie at The Catalogue Blog.)
* There's some indication that my job title may change from "Head of Technical Services" to "Head of Collection Management". Sounds better to me.
* Today's Poem: "Lessons"
by Walt Whitman
    There are who teach only the sweet lessons of peace and safety;
    But I teach lessons of war and death to those I love,
    That they readily meet invasions, when they come.

* I feel like such a schmuck when I listen to my Better Than Ezra CDs. Why didn't I love them before? Why did I waste so much time not appreciating? What a fool.
* This weather - fabulous. Wondrous. The only thing that could make it better would be rational institutional A/C.

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