
It's 'Who U Hump' Day

    In honor of the me I used to be, hiding behind a notebook in high school and always wearing shorts in defiance of public opinion, I offer two Mind Humps from Blog Drive Insanity (inspired by J.R.'s Meme Freak and the Cat's Sweet Memes)...

This week ... a getting to know you hump!

01. You are a source of light. What are you and why? I'm a candle. Natural, powerful, regenerative, painful (but only if treated incautiously), and fascinating--particularly when I'm being watched by someone under the influence.02. There's a huge neon sign above your head everywhere you go ... what is it flashing?
     Caution? No, seriously, it would be something like this: "Deep Water." 
03. If you could be anyone's blog, whose would you be and why? (Provide a link to that blog) Oh, God, this is sooooooooooo tempting! I can't answer this the way that I want to answer it (all I can say is, the comma goes outside the quotation marks!). So I'll have to use my second best option, which is actually a very, very close second and a very easy choice: J.R.'s Mermaid not Flame. It's thoughtful, interesting, hilarious and scathingly funny, erudite, welcoming... everything I'd like to be.
04. If you could have a vanity phone number, what would it be and what would it spell? See, this is why I'd never have a vanity plate--my brain just doesn't work in this direction. But if really, really pushed, I'd say...276-7848 (2smrt4u). Yuck.
05. Look around you .... name two odd things in your vicinity and explain why they are there. 1. Two-headed dinosaur (toy) in tiny cardboard "basket" tied with red ribbon, accompanied by a note that reads:

Dear sir or Madam-

I regret to say that I can no longer take care of my young, two-headed, dino-esque offspring. You may not be aware of it, but dinosaurs are now actually extinct. You see how this makes my situation difficult. How can I feed two mouths, miniature yet voraciously hungry, when I am extinct? I ask that you please take care of my plasticated child, the last of this certain unknown breed of dinosaurs that is not, in any way, related to the dreaded thunder lizard. I am sure that he/she/they will bring you much love.

Thank you,

2. A mix CD called "What Do You Think?!"

The Meme: I say, you think...

01. bright : light
02. twister : [Sleek]
03. marshmallow : cream! For shaving!!
04. bud : vase
05. master : yes
06. blink : once
07. [suave] : and debonair
08. bikini : wax (ouch)
09. dash : off
10. elementary : [redacted]

Fascinating, eh? Back to work. (blegh)

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