
Thursday Threesome, ver. 060304

"When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do." -- Walt Disney

Onesome: When you're curious- Is there a specific subject you're especially curious about? A person? A region of the world? An animal? A field of study?
    I'm responding to this fresh, without having read the questions or anyone else's answers, so this is making me laugh really hard. OK. I'll try to be serious. Hmm. A specific subject I'm curious about. Choosing to answer this from an intellectual, academic standpoint, I'll say--Philosophy, particularly Utilitarianism. A specific person I'm curious about? Well, I have made a new friend recently, someone with whom I've got a surprising amount in common (besides the obvious - we're both lawyers).... It's been a long time since I've had someone to talk to about law & stuff. But the better (?) answer would be Wilhelm Canaris, a Nazi executed for his role in the plot to assassinate Hitler. A region of the world--that's easy: Ireland. An animal? I've always liked squirrels. Field of study? I think I might need to start work on another degree soon. Maybe English.
Twosome: you find lots of interesting- What do you consider your most interesting trait/ feature?
    Modesty? Nah. Willingness--to learn, to see.
Threesome: things to do- What's on your list of things to do everyday, whether you want to or not? Filing, phone calls, homework, chasing around after kiddos, cooking, cleaning, etc.
    I've several lists, but I'm not ruled by them. If this question seeks an answer for "What do I do each day that I don't particularly enjoy?", the answer would be that I get out of bed too early, I wear grown-up clothes, I make nice with people all day when what I really want is to close the door and turn up the CD player, and I manage to do it all without seeming too crazy. If the point is a literal list, mine are more long-term and vague, perhaps by design.

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