
The Northwest? Side of the Tornado

* Shaving the other morning with a new brand of razor, the Bic "Soleil". It has moisturizing strips. It was the second use of that particular razor, so the strips had been wet when it was stored. I applied shaving cream, which is actually Aveeno Positively Smooth Shave Gel--which smells like oatmeal cookies, and if you haven't experienced it first-hand you should go to Target, grab a can from the shelf, pull off the top and smell it. No need to spray it, just sniff. Anyway, once the area was slathered in cream I drew the razor over it and the moisturizing strip, gooey from being capped wet, mixed with the shave gel, ending up looking and smelling exactly like Marshmallow Creme! It was so cool. Of course I was laughing my ass off and ended up slicing off a chunk of my arm, but it was worth it. Shaving with Marshmallow Creme! Too funny.
* My high school band director is retiring and I'm tempted to go to the retirement party.
* It's a fucking gorgeous day. 68° and sunny. Why am I at work?
* I'll be tweaking the blog template quite a bit over the next week or two. If I do anything you hate, let me know (email or comment). If I do anything you love, let me know.
* That reminds me: I got my first blog fan mail!! That's both great for my ego and hilarious. I haven't responded yet because I don't know what to say. Surreal!

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